Thursday, December 23, 2004

Put The Chex Back in Chex Mix

I love Chex Mix. Has anyone else noticed the not-so-subtle invasion of pretzels? I sort the bag, removing and eating only the flavored Chex squares. Lately, I can't put together a full serving of squares. Sprawled across the table are two cups of pretzels, a half-cup of bumpy crackers and seven bagel bits. That's it.

Chexmix Posted by Hello Take a gander at the photo on a Chex Mix bag. The few Chex squares shown on the bag seem to be an actual representation of the contents. Hey, Betty Crocker! What made Chex Mix so loved was the flavored Chex squares. Otherwise, we'd all just buy pretzels for our parties. Either change the name to Pretzel Mix, or put the Chex back in Chex Mix!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Here ya go, my friend: