Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Communication, Time, and the Physical Body

Communication, Time, and the Physical Body – Introduction ©2005 Clara Chandler

Set of assumptions: Our real “self” exists in spiritual form. Eternally, the essence of who we are is spiritual and not physical.

We have a physical body in this dispensation as a tool for our spirit to progress in some manner.

Time is not “real” but a communication tool. Ideas can be explained sequentially and built upon using time.

Once we gain a physical body certain tools are available for our spirit’s use. Physical communication enables us to learn tools such as language, writing, math – forms of more advanced communication. Written communication enables an individual to record and explain concepts one time, i.e., in a book. Multiple copies of the book are then simultaneously available to numerous individuals. Many have access to the concepts without having access to the individual.

Think about this blog: I post concepts here once. These concepts are available to anyone who wanders in without my having to stay here and repeat them each time. The blog may be viewed by thousands of people at one time.

The concept of Time allows for sequential thought and a method of ordering data. Being in a physical form, we can take communication (book) and use Time to sequence the concept or information. Because the information is also in a physical form, it can be rearranged and sequenced, examined thoroughly, and put back in its original order. This enables individuals to manipulate segments of information into an order that makes sense for them. Once they grasp the concept, the information can be restored to its original sequence and processed as a whole.

Think about DNA – only four nucleotides. Let’s say the nucleotides are beads. One individual has a complicated string of beads. If that precise string is duplicated, another individual of the same kind is created. If the string breaks and the beads re-strung in a different sequence, an entirely difference being is created. The beads can be restrung endlessly in many combinations and sequences until the beader has an understanding of how DNA sequencing works.

Time is not a string of beads with knots on both ends. There is no beginning. There is no end. Time is a tool that enables us to move the beads around and communicate with others.

I strung the red bead. (I graduated from high school.)
I added two blue beads. (I got married and had a family.)
I added one yellow. (I went back to school.)

The sequence is important only to communicate information so the person reading it can grasp the concept. The above sequence has a different meaning than:

I added one yellow. (I went back to school.)
I strung the red bead. (I graduated from high school.)
I added two blue beads. (I got married and had a family.)

I’ve used Time as a tool to label the three actions above. By re-arranging the order of those actions, I can Communicate different concepts.

The concept of Time is also useful to identify progression in an eternal being. It’s immaterial what day you learned how to multiply, but it’s significant that you learned to multiply before you graduated from high school. In this example, the sequence of Time is what’s important, not identifying the precise instant in Time.

Time can be used as a yardstick to measure eternal progression:

In my eternal progression, have I lingered too long at Point C? Do I feel an urging to move to Point D? The longing for progression beyond current experience can mark the end of one stage and/or the beginning of the next. In this example, Time is not an hour or minute tool but an application of a sequential timeline or yardstick.

Here is the point that I decided to go back to college

The tool of Physical Being provides a way to compare much data at once. Data can be categorized, laid out, rearranged, organized and reorganized (like index cards). Having a Physical Body and living in a physical world in this dispensation allows cutting and pasting of information. It also allows the information to be restored in its original form. If we existed solely in spiritual form I believe we’d have to hold all these concepts at once and try to work them out “in our head,” so to speak.

Example: The difference between doing math in your head and being able to do a large problem on paper or even using a calculator. You are able to process more complex information using paper and pencil, and even more using a calculator, than you can with only your mind.

Well, if you’re still reading you probably have a headache by now. Take some Time to reward your Physical Body for the work it’s done over this Communication.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That was GREAT!