Thursday, February 03, 2005

A Lil Fire, Scarecrow?

Folks would like me to add links to other blogs and help with a blog-web-ring. Hell, I'll be lucky if I ever figure out how to get my photo back over on the front page of my index after I was dumb enough to remove it once, much less insert some code to connect with other folks' blogs! I mean, I'm all for connecting with other blogs. I think it's a great idea. But hell's bells, I can't even figure out how to set up the stupid links on this thing so eventually, if I get 7,000,000 clicks I might earn 15 cents!

The folks outside are carrying on again. It's turning into a ritual since the weather warmed up a bit -- used to be it was only Friday and Saturday nights until about 5:00 a.m. I don't know if the teenagers next door have a 5-a.m. curfew or Ms. Nicki gets off work around that time. But sure as God made little green apples, the screaming, hollering, fighting, tire-spinning, door-slammin' and beer bottle breakin' magically ends at 5 a.m. on the weekends.

We haven't had a shooting in a couple of weeks -- I credit the cold spell we had with quieting down the 'hood. Seems like nobody wants to take a chance on laying around freezing to death on the cold ground. But watch out -- as soon as it warms up again and come springtime, it'll be pop-pop-pop every other night.

Been having the usual nightly sirens within earshot. Reckon the meth labs are increasing. If we have another cold snap soon, most of the fire trucks wailing will be on their way to house fires caused by folks using those old flexible hose gas heaters or space heaters too close to the upholstery, or the like. In case you lost track, it goes like this: Cold weather brings on house fires in this 'hood from poorly maintained heating systems, but it cuts back on shootings. Warmer weather (this is relative now -- I'm talkin' in the 40s) cuts back on house fires caused by space heaters but it tends to bring out shooting for some reason, and calls attention to the meth lab fires.

Poor firefighters can't cop a break. Just wait till summer -- there's a nightly fog that hangs over the area from meth lab fires. Funny how I didn't know about any of this stuff -- the meth problem, the anger problems, the heating problems -- before I lived in this 'hood. What's even funnier is how many folks refuse to believe it's true. Must be nice to still have your innocence. *Sigh*

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