Sunday, February 06, 2005

What Was Fox Thinking??

What Was Fox Thinking??
What were the folks at Fox Network thinking when they chose the entertainers for the SuperBowl today? Blind and deaf students from Ray Charles' alma mater sang and signed the Star Spangled Banner along with Alicia Keyes -- well, half the students did anyway. I can't wait till the half-time show. Maybe they'll have old folks on walkers lined up to perform the dance number. Or maybe post-laryngectomy survivors using their mechanical voice boxes, singing another tune?

Before you go calling for my head on a platter, let me tell you I have a child who's paralyzed from the chest down. He uses a wheelchair, naturally. But people get ridiculous with political correctness nowadays -- to the point of stupidity. Funds were raised in a nearby community so that my son could LEARN TO SCUBA DIVE. No, this wasn't some dream of his. It wasn't a Make-A-Wish deal. It was another in a long series of stupid ideas well-meaning folks have.

Someone's gotta stand up and Just Say No.

When our family learned about the SCUBA diving camp experience our son was offered, I nearly wet my pants laughing. "What are they gonna do, buddy? Tie a cinder block to ya and throw ya in?" We all got a huge laugh out of the silliness of the whole thing. He loves wheelchair basketball, baseball, and has experienced horseback riding. Anything he's interested in, we do our best to let him try. But if Fox Network came to me and asked if he could perform a dance routine for the SuperBowl next year, I'd have to say, "Dang, are you guys still in hot water over Janet's boob? Surely there's some real entertainment out there that fits in between exposing body parts and having deaf folks sing and blind folks sign or vice versa."

If Fox really wanted to make a contribution, why not sign the sportscast or provide closed captioning for the entertainment? Or even donate a significant amount to foundations for the blind and/or deaf?

I think sometimes our society's become brain-impaired when it comes to political correctness.

I'm looking forward to next year when chorus girls on crutches perform the opening dance routine...
(c) 2005 Clara Chandler

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