Saturday, December 03, 2005

Getting Ready for Christmas

Got in the holiday mood today. It snowed -- not enough to accumulate but enough to make me want to bake. The children and I baked cookies, creamy coconut macaroons and yummy peanut butter cookies. The tree stands in a corner of the living room, butt nekked as far as ornaments or lights go, natural as the day it was born -- er, manufactured. We're going low-key this year and between you and me, I'm not overly excited about not having oodles of ornaments and lights. Shh.

Today is a special day for me in more than one way. It was my father's birthday. Hard to believe, but it was 21 years ago today that the MIC disaster occurred in Bohpal, India. And six years ago today I found out I had breast cancer. It snowed that day too. In fact, it snowed on every one of the big days I had (diagnosis, each one of my surgeries, chemo days). I remember driving to my husband's work and trying to wait until he got off before telling him what the doctor said. Finally I broke down and cried. He left work early and we went out to dinner, to talk and make a game plan. It was a Chinese restaurant and even though Chinese food is one of my favorites, I could never eat at that restaurant again after that. We sat, picking at our food, talking quietly and staring out the windows at the snow flurries.

For the longest time I associated snow and December 3rd with bad news. Tincture of time has softened my memories and once again I think of Dad. So Daddy, here's a cup of eggnog in your honor. [_]D Enjoy it!



Richard Cooper said...

Hi Ginger!
Maybe there's truth in the saying, "Time heals all wounds" after all! I was deeply moved by your post tonight, and I'm sure you and your family are going to have the nicest Christmas ever!

Ginger said...

Thanks so much, Richard. You have a wonderful heart.

Let it snow,