Monday, January 30, 2012

Pied French Bird Dogs Named FiFi

Am experimenting with Dragon Naturally Speaking (voice recognition software) to see if it can be beneficial to my writing. It's an acquired skill, apparently. Here is what it typed, followed by what I dictated. Funny stuff. Maybe Dragon is funnier than I am!

Dragon version: The truth of it was that she rarely is more than a mouthful of anything, she drank like a fish, and inexistent by and large on pell-mell nonfiltered cigarettes, fringe, and gossip. The only love of her life had been a repugnant pied French bird dog named FiFi.
Ginger version: The truth of it was that she rarely ate more than a mouthful of anything, she drank like a fish, and existed by and large on Pell Mell non-filtered cigarettes, bridge, and gossip. The only love of her life had been a repugnant pied French bulldog named Fifi.

On a more personal note, for anyone who's been following my quit smoking is the thirtieth day without cigarettes. So far, so good! I'm pleased. :)

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