Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Writing Phases

I’m in my pouty, picky writer’s phase. It’s the one that comes shortly after the I-can’t-think-of-a-damned-fresh-conflict phase and just after the everything-I’ve-written-looks-like-shit phase ends. Got a couple of rejections today for Christmas stories. I’ve been accused of being psychic many times but it doesn’t take a Cassandra to realize your Christmas-themed stories weren’t accepted six weeks after the holiday passes.

If you’ve been following along, you know I see the oncologist tomorrow morning and no, I didn’t get around to having my mammogram. So I won’t have any news from him – always takes weeks to get all the lab stuff back, etc. Tomorrow’s also my youngest child’s Valentine’s Day party – I’m homeroom mother. Imagine that! I made 20 homemade Valentine’s and 20 homemade bookmarks for the little folks. I’m sure not a one will survive as long as it took to make but I enjoyed it. I dreamed up a little saying and wrote it on each bookmark:

Reading: Love That Lasts A Lifetime

Maybe by Friday I’ll move into my get-the-hell-outta-my-way-I-gotta-write phase. One can only hope…

1 comment:

Matt Bell said...

Regarding Christmas rejections-- I can never submit anything themed around a holiday because I usually write them at drastically wrong times of the year. For instance-- I wrote a Christmas story in October, which just got published the first week of February. I can't even get it out at the right time of the year.

Oh well. What I meant to say was-- I understand what your pain. Holiday ideas are the worst, especially when you know they're good ones.