Thursday, May 05, 2005

Today was warm enough for me to finish setting out my pepper plants and my green bean seedlings. It was fun to play in the Miracle Grow (aka dirt) and send my little green babies out in the big, bad world to fend for themselves. I started three begonia bulbs, and KJ gave me a petunia plant that she says is "guaranteed to bloom within three days" for Mother's Day. I'm a bit dubious, but time will tell...

What is it that drives us to spend $X on Miracle Grow, and planters, and seeds, in order to enjoy homegrown vegetables? I mean, the cost can't be recouped this year or even next year. My husband tells me the pay-off is seeing me play in the dirt. I think he's right. It sure felt good to me!

Cross your fingers for my peppers and beans. I could eat as much as the plants can produce. Mmm, fresh green beans! Glorious sweet peppers! If I only had more space...


Bev Jackson said...

I love gardening too. We're moving and I'm leaving behind my newly planted tomatoes, peppers, cukes, and last years strawberries which are popping out like crazy. It kills me! Very little space at the new house, so I may have to grow in pots. Alas.

Katie said...

Oh, Bev, how heartbreaking! I love gardening too. Sometimes I stand out there with my hands on my hips, like a farmer surveying the land.

Have fun gardening Ginger!

Shelley Marlow said...

Thank you for your comment.
I'm with the Zoe webring...but haven't figured out how to link or list that on my blog. Can you advise?

I love sitting in gardens and handling soil.

Ginger said...

Bev: My in-laws are in the process of selling their home and my MIL is faced with the dilemma of whether to plant or not, knowing that she may have to move and leave a crop in the ground. My poor piddly little crop is all in containers. How I miss having "real" land to putter around in. My FIL built a wonderful greenhouse for my MIL, and she has the best herbs and so many wonderful plants.

Katie: Thanks! Glad to see your smiling font.

Shel: When you first log into your blogger dashboard, click on Profile if you'd like the link to show up under your Profile. Insert the code there, if so. Wherever you put it is where it'll show. Check out the preview. If you don't like it, click "don't save edits" or "remove edits" or whatever it says. Then you can move it around and experiment.

When you're satisfied, just save it. Hope that helps. If not, holler!