Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Someone sent me a link to a sex offender database. It's Registered Sex Offender Database and you can check to see what REGISTERED sex offenders live in your area. There's a disclaimer saying several states don't participate, but if the offender was convicted in a state that does report, they still show up when you enter the ZIP code. For instance, West Virginia doesn't participate, but there are two offenders registered in Ohio who show up in my ZIP code area.

Have received some great reviews on First Amendment so far. It's being workshopped on Zoetrope. The only not-so-great review mentions questions about events in the story that are indicative of the reviewer's ignorance and not fallacies in the story. I wish people could separate the two when they enter reviews. Sigh. Such is life.

Still cold-ish around here, but the sun keeps valiantly trying to shine. My youngest has a performance this evening. It's the end-of-the-year musical for her magnet school of music. They're usually pretty entertaining. So much talent in these little ones. Must support it!

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