Monday, July 11, 2005

Dead Mule School of Southern Literature's Back Online!

I was happy to see Val MacEwan's Dead Mule School is back online after a server switchover. I read and enjoyed Gerard Smith's "Hummingbird" poem while I was wandering the halls.

Go read the decidedly nonfiction story, Grandma Loved Ducks. When you first get there, you'll see my Southern legitimacy statement. To read the story, click on the blue title.

Hope you enjoy! Thank God, my hair's long since grown out...


Bev Jackson said...

I DID enjoy and laughed. As a kid, I was bitten by a monkey in Trinidad...and had to get shots because the wild things in cages there were never checked for diseases. But it was terrifying. Monkeys are quick and very aggressive. But I did laugh. Poor child. Your hair!!! Gad.

Ginger said...

Thanks, Bev. Yikes! I'd hate to be bitten by one of them. People think they're so "cute" but they can be vicious. One of my favorite episodes of "Malcolm in the Middle" involves Lois's boss Craig and his helper monkey. The little thing ends up trying to kill Craig (who's helpless in a wheelchair with both arms in casts). It's funny, of course, but monkeys -- well, they don't amuse me any more!!